Jarina Kühn
Jarina Kühn

Universität Bremen, Business Studies & Economics (FB07)

Tel.: +49 421 218 66637


Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Room: WiWi 2, Room F2120


Affiliated Ph.D. Fellow, Cohort 2019

Research Interests

  • Transition
  • East Germany
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Vocational Training
  • Life-long Learning

Dissertation topic
Transition in East Germany – Chances for Entrepreneurs and Managers of the so-called Transitional Generation?

Dissertation abstract
Which effects do the biographical dispositions have on the entrepreneurial and managerial work experiences, approaches and attitudes of individuals who originated in the GDR and founded a business in West Germany or who came from West Germany and founded in the new federal states?

Academic Supervisors
Jutta Günther
Anna Schwarz