Thematic Field A: Global Governance and Regional Integration
Field Chair: Prof. Dr. Martin Nonhoff
Field Coordinator: Dr. Steffen Bandlow-Raffalski
The field on global governance and regional integration addresses the relationships between political, social, legal, historical, and economic developments in the “post-national constellation”, that is, after the demise of the nation state as container. It considers supranationalization (European integration) and globalization as part of “a continuum of internationalization” and studies the phenomenon of political integration, comparing processes and outcomes at different levels and in different regions. Traditional forms of intergovernmental politics are being complemented or superseded by international and supranational regulatory regimes. Private actors, such as NGOs and multinational enterprises, have also become more involved in the international sphere, generating what has become known as "transnational" governance. The result is the emergence of hybrid forms of governance that mix public, private, "hard" (legally binding) and "soft" (based on persuasion and advice) governance.
Research questions in Thematic Field A fall into three groups:
- The emergence of global or regional governance and the dynamics of decision-making
- The effectiveness of global and regional governance
- Conflict, contestation, and legitimacy in global and regional governance
PhD Fellows in Thematic Field A have their offices at the University of Bremen branch of BIGSSS.
More Information on Thematic Field A
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