Cristina Greculescu
Cristina Greculescu

BIGSSS, Constructor University

Tel.: +49 421 200 3953


Mondays & Tuesdays: South Hall, Room: 308

Regular Ph.D. Fellow, Cohort 2017

Research Interests

Noncognitive skills (particularly grit and self-control)
Positive psychological approach to personality
Educational inequalities

Dissertation topic
Teaching Grit: Examining the Effects of a School-Based Intervention to Foster Grit

Dissertation abstract
Noncognitive skills are increasingly acknowledged in debates about education. One such attribute, grit, denoting perseverance and passion for long-term goals, is purported to impact well-being and success in school and beyond. This research aims to address several deficits in the literature on grit: lacking knowledge about grit’s importance in the German educational context, uncertainty surrounding its malleability, and insufficient insight into its potential role in reducing achievement gaps.

Academic Supervisors
Klaus Boehnke
Yasemin Karakasoglu