BIGSSS Symposium at 23rd IACCP Congress in Nagoya, Japan › view all


"Changing Lives in Changing Socio-Cultural Contexts–Interdisciplinary Perspectives"

The International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) held its 23rd International Congress in Nagoya, Japan, from July 30th until August 3rd, 2016.

A BIGSSS delegation of all together ten faculty members, fellows and alumni participated in the congress and discussed their latest research with a community of experts in the field of cross-cultural psychology and beyond.

BIGSSS Symposium on “Changing Lives in Changing Socio-Cultural Contexts”

The BIGSSS symposium at the IACCP Congress took place on July 30th and offered one contribution each from BIGSSS core disciplines (Psychology, Sociology, Political Science and Methods).

First, BIGSSS alumni Regina Arant presented parts of her dissertation research on “Disentangling the Relationship between Home and Host Country Identity‘ - Comparing Results from Exchange Students in the US, Europe, and Latin America.” BIGSSS’ Director of Studies Mandy Boehnke followed with a presentation of her current work on “Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Role Attitudes and Family Values – A Comparison of Natives and Migrants Parent-Child Differences in Four European Countries.” BIGSSS’ Field Coordinator Franziska Deutsch spoke on “The Diffusion of Values among and between Democracies and Autocracies.” Finally, BIGSSS Vice Dean Klaus Boehnke presented insights into methodological issues in his talk on "Furtherings on a Quantitative Emic Cross-Cultural Comparison."

The BIGSSS Symposium was chaired by Klaus Boehnke, recent President-elect of the IACCP. BIGSSS Scientific Advisory Board member Colleen Ward from the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, served as discussant for the symposium.

Furthermore, BIGSSS fellows Alexandra Mittelstädt, Adrian Stanciu, Dora Simunovics and Lusine Grigoryan, as well as BIGSSS alumni Marieke van Edmond presented their research in other sections of the congress. For more information on their presentations, please see the program.

IACCP Culture & Psychology Summer School

BIGSSS fellows Alexandra Mittelstädt and Lusine Grigoryan also participated in the IACCP Culture & Psychology Summer School which took place in a mountain region outside Nagoya at the Nakatsugawa Center just before the IACCP Congress from June 26-30, 2016.

According to Lusine Grigoryan, the summer school was a perfect opportunity for networking with other young scholars who work on similar topics. This is crucial for cross-cultural research, as one always needs collaborators to be able to conduct a cross-cultural study. Furthermore, both content and methods sessions of the summer school were very helpful as well the possibility to discuss one’s own research project with the instructors in an informal setting.