GEWOBA Award 2016 for Sustainable Urban Development on "The Housing of Refugees" › view all


BIGSSS congratulates Verena Strebinger on the first prize of this year's GEWOBA Award 2016 for Sustainable Urban Development on "The Housing of Refugees"!

Verena Strebinger's ethnographic study ""Du kannst nicht immer im Heim wohnen.“ – Eine Fallstudie zum Umzug eines syrischen Geflüchteten in seine eigene Wohnung in Deutschland" convinced the jury members and was endowed with €2000. Verena Strebinger is a student of the MA Transkulturelle Studien at the Universität Bremen. You can download Verena Strebinger's winning paper.

Klara-Maria Brandenburger, Frida Ludwig, Benjamin Seidel, Nora Gersie and Carolin Seiberlich from the Universität Weimar/BA Urbanistik came second place with their study on "Asylsuchende in Weimar - Projektarbeit", closely followed by Jella Humburg, Marie Malchow, Maximilian Rohland, Britta Sabin, Momke Sosna and Lara Tiede from the HafenCity Universität Hamburg/MA Stadtplanung. Both projects were endowed with €1500.

Great job everyone and congratulations!


On the GEWOBA Award for Sustainable Urban Development

The GEWOBA Aktiengesellschaft Wohnen und Bauen in Bremen biennially offers an Award for Sustainable Urban Development to students of the social sciences for outstanding achievements. The contest in 2016 was conducted in cooperation with BIGSSS at Universität Bremen and Jacobs University Bremen.

For the 2016 contest contributions to the topic "The Housing of Refugees" were sought that offer analyses and new insights and perspectives with an explicit practical relevance. Further criteria were a clear reference to the study program of the submitting student as well as a discernable provision of transfer benefits.

To find deserving awardees, a non-anonymous contest for ideas was called, which served as the frame for attending to a given social science topic: Individual as well as team submissions (seminar papers, project reports, academic manuscripts, or theses) were equally welcome.

For more information please see the GEWOBA Award Call in German or English.