Proposal Defense: Catalina Ganga Léon › view all

Emotion work of paid and non-paid caregivers for the elderly: An exploration from Latin American and European care regimes

May 31, 2022 - 14:00-15:30
Unicom, House 7, Conference Room (7.3280)
Series: Proposal Defenses
Event type: public

Our Dean Patrick Sachweh is pleased to announce that the proposals of the BIGSSS cohort from September 2021 are ready to be presented to the public!

You are therefore cordially invited to participate online in the upcoming public proposal defenses of our doctoral fellows.


31 May, 16:00-17:30

Catalina Ganga Léon (University of Bremen/BIGSSS, DAAD GloWel)

"The emotional dimension of care work in old age: Theoretical contributions from familialistic regimes."

The PhD project is supervised by Simone Scherger.




This proposal defense takes place in the conetxt of the BIGSSS doctoral colloquium at University of Bremen (Unicom, House 7, Conference Room 7.3280). For participation, please contact Olaf Groh-Samberg.



Proposal Defenses Spring 2022

21 March, Pia Gebbing (Jacobs University) on Promoting virtual creative collaboration.

19 April, Dariya Krasimirova Koleva (Jacobs University/BIGSSS, RTG Self) on Rethinking resistance: A mixed methods study of discourse and solidarity in online communities.

27 April, Tanya Keni (University of Bremen/BIGSSS, RTG Self) on Negotiating between honor and dignity cultures in the context of migration.

03 May, Gamze Ipek (Jacobs University/BIGSSS, RTG Self) on Life goals and well-being:The role of work-family conflict.

10 May, Carina Hartz (Jacobs University/BIGSSS, RTG Self) on General worldviews and social cohesion: Understanding cohesive entities in Europe.

10 May, Gonzalo Arévalo Iglesias (University of Bremen, GloWel) on Networks of family support and welfare policy preferences.

17 May, Pay Laurin Jessen (University of Bremen/BIGSSS, RTG Self) on Variances in human morality from a cross cultural perspective: An inquiry on the role of self-construal and social interaction situations.

25 May, Debing Lian (Jacobs University/BIGSSS, RTG Self) on The impact of cosmopolitan and national identities on social solidarity.

31 May, Catalina Gana Léon (University of Bremen, GloWel) on Emotion work of paid and non-paid caregivers for the elderly: An exploration from Latin American and European care regimes.

28 June, Jessica Nuske (University of Bremen, affiliated fellow) on Interest groups as infrastructure for socio-scientific knowledge transfer?