Guest Talk by Thorsten Dresing on Interview Transcription and Analysis › view all

"Transcription and analysis of interviews with f4transkript & f4analyse"

October 11, 2017 - 16:30h/4:30pm
Jacobs University, Reimar Lüst Hall, Conrad Naber Lecture Hall
Campus Ring 1
28759 Bremen
Series: Social Sciences Lecture Series
Event type: public

On October 11, Dr. Thorsten Dresing will give a guest talk on "Transcription and analysis of interviews with f4transkript & f4analyse". The event is organized jointly by the BIGSSS Methods Center and the Jacobs University Department of Psychology and Methods.

The talk will be held in English and will take place at Jacobs University, Conrad Naber Lecture Hall in Reimar Lüst Hall on 11. October 2017 - 4:30-6:00pm.


Transcription will be one of the first steps after you have recorded your interviews. But how do you do this in practical terms, which difficulties will you face doing this and how long does it take to deliver a reliable result? You will get answers to all these questions in the first part of the lecture. Next, I will give an overview of different methods and approaches for examining qualitative data. It is worth taking a closer look at these in order to find a relevant and helpful framework for answering your research questions. Finally, we will take a look at two examples of software (f4transkript & f4analyse) that will help you transcribe and organize your data.